Residence Programme. Entrepreneurs Law

Non EU nationals who intend to develop an innovative business or entrepreneurial activity with special economic interest for Spain may apply for a visa or residence authorization for entrepreneurs.

Candidates who are abroad must apply for a one-year residence visa.

Candidates who are legally in Spain, i.e. who have a residence or stay permit or entrepreneur visa, must apply for a two-year residence authorization. After this time period, this authorization may be renewed for two-year periods, provided that they continue to meet the requirements that originated this right.

• A single authorization for living and working valid anywhere in Spain.

• Free movement within the Schengen member states.

• Streamlined processing: 10 days for visas and 20 days for residence authorizations, combined processing for family members, procedures can be arranged through a representative.


General requirements

• Not be in Spain in an irregular situation.

• Be over 18 years of age.

• Have no criminal record in Spain or in the countries where they have resided for the past five years, for offenses defined in the relevant Spanish legislation.

• Not be subject to an alert issued for the purposes of refusing entry in the territorial space of countries with which Spain has signed an agreement in this regard.

• Have a public or private health insurance policy with an insurance company authorised to operate in Spain.

• Have sufficient financial resources for themselves and their families during their residence in Spain.

• Have paid the visa or authorization processing fee.

The spouse or common-law partner and any children under 18 years of age or those of legal age who cannot provide by themselves and have not constituted their own family unit and parents who are dependant, who accompany or join the foreigner, may apply jointly and simultaneously or successively for their authorization and, where appropriate, their visa. In this case, evidence must be provided of being in compliance with the requirements listed in the preceding paragraph.

Specific requirements

An innovative business or entrepreneurial activity with special economic interest for Spain. 

Before applying for your visa or permit, a favourable report on the business and entrepreneurial activity intended to be carried out in Spain must be issued by Economic and Commercial Office in the applicant´s country of residence or the Directorate General for Trade and Investment.

The assessment will give special priority and consideration to the creation of jobs in Spain. The professional profile of the applicant, the business plan and the added value for the Spanish economy, innovation and investment opportunities will also be taken into account.




Candidates who are abroad must apply for the favourable report  at the Economic and Commercial Office of the Embassy of Spain in the applicant’s country of residence.

Candidates who are legally in Spain, i.e. who have a residence or stay permit or investor visa, must apply for the residence authorization for entrepreneurs to the The Large Business and Strategic Sectors Unit [Unidad de Grandes Empresas y Colectivos Estratégicos (UGE-CE)], that will apply for the report to the Directorate General for Trade and Investment. 

DOCUMENTATION (as specified in the application form):

Business plan including:

1. Project:

• Business activity

• Proposed start date

• Geographical area where the project will be set up

• Type of corporate entity

• Investment amount

• Number of jobs to be created and description and qualifications required for each

• Promotion and sales strategy

2. Founders and partners

• For the applicants of the authorization: description of their participation in the project and financial status

• For other partners: personal data, professional and academic profile.

3. Product/service

• Description

• Innovative aspects

4. Market analysis

• Expected cash flow

• Competitors

• Potential consumers

• Offer and demand analysis

5. Financing:

• Required investment

• Suppliers

• Financing tools: subsidies, credits, etc.

Applicant’s cv: detailed academic and professional background.


    Non EU nationals who intend to develop an innovative business or entrepreneurial activity with special economic interest for Spain may apply for a visa or residence authorization for entrepreneurs.

Candidates who are abroad must apply for a one-year residence visa.

Candidates who are legally in Spain, i.e. who have a residence or stay permit or entrepreneur visa, must apply for a two-year residence authorization. After this time period, this authorization may be renewed for two-year periods, provided that they continue to meet the requirements that originated this right.

• A single authorization for living and working valid anywhere in Spain.

• Free movement within the Schengen member states.

• Streamlined processing: 10 days for visas and 20 days for residence authorizations, combined processing for family members, procedures can be arranged through a representative.


General requirements

• Not be in Spain in an irregular situation.

• Be over 18 years of age.

• Have no criminal record in Spain or in the countries where they have resided for the past five years, for offenses defined in the relevant Spanish legislation.

• Not be subject to an alert issued for the purposes of refusing entry in the territorial space of countries with which Spain has signed an agreement in this regard.

• Have a public or private health insurance policy with an insurance company authorised to operate in Spain.

• Have sufficient financial resources for themselves and their families during their residence in Spain.

• Have paid the visa or authorization processing fee.

The spouse or common-law partner and any children under 18 years of age or those of legal age who cannot provide by themselves and have not constituted their own family unit and parents who are dependant, who accompany or join the foreigner, may apply jointly and simultaneously or successively for their authorization and, where appropriate, their visa. In this case, evidence must be provided of being in compliance with the requirements listed in the preceding paragraph.

Specific requirements

An innovative business or entrepreneurial activity with special economic interest for Spain. 

Before applying for your visa or permit, a favourable report on the business and entrepreneurial activity intended to be carried out in Spain must be issued by Economic and Commercial Office in the applicant´s country of residence or the Directorate General for Trade and Investment.

The assessment will give special priority and consideration to the creation of jobs in Spain. The professional profile of the applicant, the business plan and the added value for the Spanish economy, innovation and investment opportunities will also be taken into account.




Candidates who are abroad must apply for the favourable report at the Economic and Commercial Office of the Embassy of Spain in the applicant’s country of residence. 

Candidates who are legally in Spain, i.e. who have a residence or stay permit or investor visa, must apply for the residence authorization for entrepreneurs to the The Large Business and Strategic Sectors Unit [Unidad de Grandes Empresas y Colectivos Estratégicos (UGE-CE)], that will apply for the report to the Directorate General for Trade and Investment. 


Business plan including:

1. Project:

• Business activity

• Proposed start date

• Geographical area where the project will be set up

• Type of corporate entity

• Investment amount

• Number of jobs to be created and description and qualifications required for each

• Promotion and sales strategy

2. Founders and partners

• For the applicants of the authorization: description of their participation in the project and financial status

• For other partners: personal data, professional and academic profile.

3. Product/service

• Description

• Innovative aspects

4. Market analysis

• Expected cash flow

• Competitors

• Potential consumers

• Offer and demand analysis

5. Financing:

• Required investment

• Suppliers

• Financing tools: subsidies, credits, etc.

Applicant’s cv: detailed academic and professional background.


Candidates who are abroad must apply for a one-year residence visa.

WHERE: The Spanish consulate in the applicant’s country of residence.

Candidates who are legally in Spain, i.e. who have a residence or stay permit or entrepreneur visa, must apply for a two-year residence authorization.

WHEREThe Large Business and Strategic Sectors Unit [Unidad de Grandes Empresas y Colectivos Estratégicos (UGE-CE)].

• Online application.

• Through any Public Registry in Spain by submitting the application and documents required addressed to the UGE-CE.

WHO: Application may be submitted by a representative. 

DOCUMENTATION (translated into Spanish):

Entrepreneur Residence Visa application form: Information at the Consulate.

Entrepreneur Residence Authorization application form:

• Application form for the entrepreneur. 

• Application form for family members, if it is the case. 

• Fee. 


• Identity document or passport of the applicant and family members, if it is the case.

• Public or private health insurance taken out with a company operating in Spain, except if the activity to be developed in Spain will require the registration within the Spanish Social Security System.

• Background check.

• Proof of sufficient funds to support the applicant and members of his/her family during the period of residence in Spain, if it is the case, by the corresponding labour, professional contract or training agreement.

• Authorization processing fee.

• Candidates who are legally in Spain at the time of the application: holders of a stay permit or study permit valid for a maximum of six months must submit the background check of the country or countries of residence in the last five years.

• Favourable report on the business and entrepreneurial activity to be carried out already obtained from the Economic and Commercial Office abroad or the UGE-CE in Spain, as applicable.


WHERE: Police station.

WHO: The residence authorization holder in person.


• Application for a residence card for foreigners, for every family member if it is the case.

• Passport.

• Copy of residence authorization.

• Three photographs.

• Payment of fees: residence card.


Decisions on visa applications will be made and notified within 10 working days, except in the case of applicants subject to prior consultation as provided for in Article 22 of the Visa Code, in which case the decision time period will be that provided for as a general rule in the mentioned Code.

The residence authorizations will be processed by the Unit for Large Companies and Strategic Economic Sectors in a maximum time delay of twenty days from the filing of the application. If after this time period, a decision has not been adopted, the authorization will be deemed to be granted due to administrative silence.